23 Sep 2021
Pandemic-proof virtual medical report continues to be rolled out
Measures adopted to help ease the burden of perpetuating clinical negligence cases during the global pandemic are set to continue. Despite the fact that the majority of the UK’s restrictive practices, ushered in during successive national lockdowns, have been significantly relaxed during the summer, it will be business as ‘new’ normal for the time being at least.
Both claimant and defendant lawyers broke the news recently that these new practices, rolled out during the height of the lockdown, will remain in situ for the foreseeable future. Originally ratified last summer by the Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers and NHS Resolution, a raft of timely revisions saw the introduction of a greater degree of flexibility on limitation periods, along with the more widespread facilitation of email channels to communicate documentation via.
Another ground shift, which made a substantial difference to ensure that clinical negligence processes weren’t left stalling at a time when much of the country came to an unprecedented standstill, was that of online examinations, where previously, physical consultations were the norm. However, as needs dictated at the time, so with it practices and protocols changed accordingly.
Benefits include minimising litigation and legal costs
NHS Resolutions told the Law Gazette that the aim is to safeguard against unnecessary litigation and reduce the legal costs’; both of which would have spiralled were it not for the implementation of these contingency plans last year. The success of which underpins this continuation.
Focusing on delivering better outcomes for all parties involved in clinical negligence claims, the increased collaboration has proven fruitful. Especially in terms of resolving cases out of court, which is something NHS Resolution are keen to see become the more common discourse regarding healthcare claims.
Online client examinations to validate medical reports ongoing
Although clinical professions are beginning to catch up with the inevitable backlog of cases during this period, the compilation of medical records would still take longer to arrange and present if some of the initial groundwork wasn’t still being championed remotely. Settlement meetings and mediation have also taken place virtually too, wherever practical to do so, and this is projected to continue.
With over 21 years’ of medical reporting experience to draw upon, our panel of experts have continued to provide a peerless service throughout the challenges of the past 18 months or so. Irrespective of case types, Speed have been delivering the medical reporting solutions to ensure that our clients’ clinical negligence cases keep moving forwards.
Accurate and CPR compliant, our bespoke medical reporting structure is overseen by our own market-leading Clinical Advisory Board to add another level of confidence when you seek to instruct us. What’s more, we can grant your clients access to a nationwide panel of some 5,000-plus specialists; all dedicated experts in their chosen fields, with a significant percentage recognised as leading exponents in areas of clinical negligence.
Get in touch today to talk to one of our team about how Speed can provide medical reports for your client's clinical negligence case.