23 Sep 2016
Getting To Know… Katie Lynch, Clinical Negligence Team Leader
Katie, who has been with Speed for almost a year now, has taken some time out of her busy day to share a few of her thoughts with us this month as we kick off a series of quick fire interviews designed to help you get to know the team here at Speed a little better.
What makes you smile?
Positive and happy people and of course, chocolate!
How important is it for staff working on clinical negligence cases to be specialists in the area?
Very important. Clinical negligence is a specialist area that practitioners spend significant time developing their skills in. The impact of a potentially negligent act by a medical practitioner can have enormous consequences for a patient and the impact on families is extensive. The knock on effects can stay with people for the rest of their lives. Empathy and professionalism in such circumstances are traits all practitioners have to demonstrate and this is always at the forefront of our minds when we are helping solicitors obtain the vital medical evidence required to pursue their client’s claim.
What one life lesson would you pass on to anyone reading this?
Always listen to others but never apologise for being yourself, particularly when you have worked hard to achieve something.
What’s the biggest challenge you face at work and how do you overcome it?
Adapting to a solicitor’s individual working methods. We overcome it by asking questions and listening intently. The team here prides itself on the knowledge we have developed regarding each solicitor’s caseload and how individual fee earners prefer to work. Using my experience in practice, I work hard to forge good working relationships with individual fee earners which enables all of us to deliver the best possible service we can exactly how the solicitor requires.
What was the last thing to take your breath away and why? The recent birth of my nephew, Alfie. Family is precious.
To find out more about our clinical negligence services please call 0844 4129 368 or email negligence@speedmedical.com