Remote Consent
Committed to keeping your case moving
At Speed Medical we are committed to delivering the safest and most appropriate solutions for you to obtain a medical examination as evidence for your personal injury claim. As such, due to the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak and in line with social distancing measures recommended by the Government, we are adhering to guidance issued by the British Medical Association (BMA) for Medical Experts with recommendations to minimise the number of patients visiting premises/clinics, convert routine appointments to telephone triage and cease all non-essential work.
To not delay your treatment, Speed Medical has the capability to facilitate remote consultations via video call. Of course, from a clinical perspective our Medical Experts will apply their professional judgement as to whether it is appropriate for you and your to be examined or treated in this way, however, in the first instance we must first gain the consent that you and your legal representative willingly agree to a remote consultation.
Remote consultation
In order to gain consent, we must first ask that you read the below statements before declaring that you give consent, as by providing consent you agree to the following:
- It is my decision to attend a remote video consultation and I have not been coerced into this by any party. I can still decide to attend an in-person consultation with a Medical Expert at any time up to and including the start of my video consultation.
- I understand that there can be limitations to a video consultation. If, therefore, the Medical Expert deems it necessary, then an in-person consultation may still be required after any video consultation has taken place.
- I will provide for myself a suitable secure device and a good quality internet connection for use in the video consultation. If the quality of the connection is too poor to carry out a thorough consultation, then the Medical Expert may decide to cease the video call and request that Speed Medical reschedule an in-person consultation instead.
- I am responsible for my own security and privacy for the duration of the video consultation. I will therefore place myself in an environment where I cannot be seen/overheard.
- Video conferencing applications such as Skype/Zoom/WhatsApp are securely encrypted and private. Speed Medical does not, however, guarantee the security of these platforms.
- I understand that all information collected during my video consultation.
- I have sought advice from my legal representative before agreeing to a remote video consultation.
We provide a comprehensive FAQ section if you have any further questions.
For more information please visit www.speedmedical.com/for-injured-parties/faqs-remote
If you’ve read the above statements and agree to proceed with your claim via a remote consultation, please email: Consent@speedmedical.com
Consent statement - what to include
Please ensure that your consent email contains the following information:
- Your reference (please ensure this is in the subject line of the email)
- Your full name
- Your date of birth
- A contact telephone number
- Your email address
And the following statement:
I do/do not* consent to proceeding with a remote consultation.
Where consent from you and your legal representative is granted, we will arrange a remote consultation, keeping you both informed.
If you do not wish to consent to a remote consultation, we will book an in-person consultation as soon as possible in line with Government restrictions.
As ever, your safety and welfare are at the heart of our business and we will do our utmost to provide you with the most convenient and appropriate consultation. If you have any questions please visit
Thank you.